21 August 2016

Homeopathic remedies from vegetables

Vegetables are always presents on our table, but even more – in spring and summer. In homeopathy they are used equally with other plants such as herbs, flowers, trees, and even fruits. Samuel Hahnemann made the first homeopathic proving of a vegetable and this is the red hot pepper, Capsicum annuum, which is included in the Materia Medica Pura.

Here I present some of the most popular and used vegetables, that are used in homeopathic practice as remedies, with its inherent healing properties. Here I indicate the key symptoms of remedies with educational purpose and they can not be used for treatment, without taking into account the total picture of the case, which can be done by a qualified homeopath.

Asparagus Asparagus officinalis
– Frequent urination with stitching pains in orifice of urethra.
Palpitation, with oppression of chest.

Beet Beta vulgaris
– Chronic catarh.

Celery Apium graveolens
Pain in abdomen extending to rectum.
Intense constriction over sternum.
Skin itching, aggravates after undressing.

Dock Rumex crispus
Cough, agg. going from warm to cold.
Cough, agg. uncovering, undressing, breathing, talking, change of weather.
Intense itching of skin agg. uncovering and undressing.

Garlic Allium sativum
Ailments from voracity and overeating with meat.
Obstructed flatulence with painful, distension pains; pressing abdominal pains < stepping, > stooping forward.
Involuntary urination in old men with enlarged prostate.

Green bean Phaseolus
Heart problems, palpitation with rapid, irregular pulse and slow breathing.

Marrow Cucurbita pepo
Big remedies for taenia.
Intense nausea immediately after eating.
Vomiting during pregnancy.

Nettle Urtica urens
Urticaria wirh burning heat, itching and stinging > warm.
Urticaria after eating shellfish and after stinging of insects.
Pain in right deltoid.

Onion Allium cepa
Coryza from smell of flowrs; coryza with acrid nasal discharge and eye secretion bland, accompanied with headache < warm room, > open air.
Cutting, tearing pains in larynx and irritation during cough.

Parsley Petroselinum
Acute gonorrhea, with itching in urethra.
Sudden, irresistible desire to urinate, with burning pains from perineum throughout whole urethra.

Pepper, red, hot Capsicum annuum
Homesickness, nostalgia, sadness, melancholy, alcoholism.
Burning pains and redness of face.
Inflammation of throat; burning pain and heat in throat.

Potatoes Solanum tuberosum
Nausea accompanied with vomiting and diarrhea.
Heaviness of tongue, with brown, moist fur; speechless, stammering.

Radish Raphanus
Obstruction flatulence, accumulation and incarceration of gas.

Sorrel Rumex acetosa
Lower lid puffed; elongated uvula.
Pain all down esophagus < swallowing.
Complete paralysis of body.

Tomato Lycopersicon esculentum
Sharp pain in right deltoid and pectoral muscles.
Influenza, profuse, watery coryza with headache and pains in left side of body after influenza.

Some common vegetables are absent, such as cucumber, but they are little studied or have not been proven. The remedy Lactuca virosa (wild lettuce) is often confused with the garden lettuce (Lactuca sativa), but these are two different plants and therefore not included here.

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